Making room for your IDEAL life
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Are you ready to level up your life? If so, you've come to the right place—the mission of Bower & Bird is to help you awaken to your passion, power, and purpose through the unlikely path of thoroughly and intentionally organizing your home just once in this life.
As a certified KonMari® Method Consultant and a licensed architect, I will help you evaluate, declutter, organize, and redesign your home. When your space and belongings are in alignment with who you want to be, love becomes the guiding force in your life. This process teaches you to hear and trust this still, small voice to lead you to the life you're meant to be living.
Far from minimalism, this work is about creating abundance. When a bowerbird builds an elegant bachelor pad in the forest with a moss lawn covered with treasures to delight the eye, he does so to attract a mate. I'm here to help you attract your ideal life. I ask that you trust me with your journey.
With love,

“Every aspect of your life is anchored energetically in your living space, so clearing clutter can completely transform your entire existence.” ― Karen Kingston Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui
I take a holistic approach to home organization. While working together, we will follow a three step process to realign your environment. I will help you take control of your space, so you can reground and reinvigorate your energy.
Clutter is a physical manifestation of stuck energy. How much potential energy could be available to you if you organized your home?
Based on the vision of your ideal life, We will work together to declutter and organize your home bringing it in alignment with your vision.
Using two decades of experience as an architect, I will help you reimagine and/or renovate your space in that will work for you and with the home.

"Life truly begins only after you have put your house in order." — Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I used to feel stuck in my life, but after reading Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I let go of unflattering slacks, an unfulfilling career and an unsupportive marriage. Five years later I wear soft jeans; I found my life’s passion and purpose; and met my soulmate.
I now guide my clients to discover the life they are meant to be living through the act of intentionally decluttering and organizing their homes.
As a sustainable architect by trade and a performance artist by heart, I founded Bower & Bird to help fellow unrepentant maximalists bring their homes into alignment with their ideal life.

“As gray, as dreamless as we may strive to be, the passion of our dreams will not stay buried.” — Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way
"Monika has helped me clear up my mind, my soul and my house. I really believe that investing in sustainable wellbeing is key to happiness and success."
- Claudia
"Going through the KonMari process with Bower & Bird has radically changed the way that I view my relationship to 'stuff.' I am more thoughtful about the things I own, and I am more intentional about making my life into what I want it to be."
- Drew
"This has truly been a life changing experience to work with Monika and learn from her, and find a new view on material thing and the energy of my house."
- Emily

Contact me with any questions or to schedule a phone call to discuss your project.